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Among Us - Among Us Android version download 2024 latest version

Among Us

2023.11.28 for Android

Date:Feb 01, 2024
  • Among Us
  • Among Us
  • Among Us
  • Among Us

The latest version of AMONG US is a multi -person online werewolf game developed by InxtSloth. The Chinese name is: between us. The background of the game is set on a spacecraft in the universe, and a group of astronauts are performing tasks. However, a few of them were "traitors" who were transformed into astronauts. The goal of astronauts was to complete the task. The target of the traitor was to secretly kill the astronauts and destroy the task. In this thrilling game, players will become a member of astronauts or traitors. They will reasoning who is a traitor through voting, discussion and observing the behavior of other players.

Game Introduction

The latest version of AMONG US is the latest version of the Wolf Killing type. If you can find three or five like -minded friends to enter this game together, then the game experience will be significantly improved. In the game, players appear on a spacecraft. In a game, a game supports up to 10 players to play together, of which 1-3 people play the inner ghosts, and the rest play the crew. Of course, the inner ghost goal is to kill the light crew. After the room is well completed and completes the character distribution, each player will have a different task goal. After the execution is performed, they will come back to gather until the end will be separated. However, unlike "Werewolf Kill" alternately, the speech of the AMONG us Chinese mobile version is changed to the player and for the mandatory link. After the launch, everyone will stop action and enforce the game discussion. In the voting session, it will be voted independently based on the results of the player's discussion. If a player gets the largest number of votes, the player will be thrown out. If the number of votes is the largest, there is no player in this round. In addition, AMONG US also has a self -made art style. The characters, animations and special effects in the game, although it looks simple, is full of personality. Pure characters allow players to quickly distinguish through color; simple UI and spacecraft design make the game difficult to get bored in repeated. The special effects of the inner ghost killing, some effects after the destruction of the cabin, all affect the heart of the player all the time, so that this silent space is covered with a frightened feeling. If you don't have a fun party game, you must try AMONG US!

Game Features

1. There are also different scenes and new environments. You need to think carefully in more different circumstances,

2. Collect various interesting props. There are many game settings that can be changed, such as killing, cooling, distance, etc.

3. Interesting intellectual competition challenges are very interesting, and experience more exciting mysteries and tests in more unique challenges.

Game Play

1. There will be more brand new story systems here, using one's own abilities to reason;

2. To obtain a plethora of prompts by completing tasks, each person's identity is different;

3. Fight with numerous friends and quickly find them to defeat all opponents;

4. Players will destroy and reason outside the brand new story, fulfilling their respective obligations, which is full of challenges;

5. Each of you has a different identity, and each player has their own companion. Find him as soon as possible;

6. Use various settings in the spacecraft to defeat your opponents, become the first surviving team, and achieve victory.

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