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Health Kit app - Health Kit app official version download

Health Kit app

2.4.4 Android version

Date:Mar 28, 2024
  • Health Kit app
  • Health Kit app
  • Health Kit app
  • Health Kit app

This is a software that provides health services. Users can record blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, etc. at any time. It can help users obtain more comprehensive health data recording services. Friends who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle can come here. Download and use it

Software introduction

Health Kit is an application that covers recording blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate and BMI, which can help you record your own health data.

Software features

1. Blood pressure

You can record your blood pressure data through Health Kit and observe your blood pressure trends through charts.

2. Blood sugar

You can record your blood sugar data through Health Kit and observe your blood sugar trends through charts.

3.Heart rate

You can measure or record your heart rate in the app and view your heart rate changes through graph information.

Software Highlights

1. In addition to the regular steps, running, and cycling recording functions, it also supports a variety of sports modes and fitness plans, such as outdoor rope skipping, indoor fitness, etc.

2. Support social interactions such as data competition and sports check-in with WeChat sports and WeChat friends to increase user participation.

3. When users wear mobile phones or bracelets, they can record sleep quality, breathing, body movement and other data in real time, intelligently analyze resting status, and provide corresponding improvement suggestions

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