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Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk - Flash Alerts On Call, SMS latest version download

Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk

2.4.6 Android version

Date:Apr 16, 2024
  • Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk
  • Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk
  • Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk
  • Flash Alerts On Call, SMS apk

A very good flash software, it also brings comprehensive flash services here. Users and friends can enjoy a good flash experience at any time and get good services. Friends who want to know more can download it now Bar!

Software introduction

The flash and strobe light will light up when the phone receives a notification or receives a call. Flashlight: LED flashlight is the best notification flash app for Android phones.

When you're in a dark place or in a meeting where you don't want to hear a ring or vibrate, blink the light when an incoming call is available. Imagine you are at a party with loud music, or at night, and you cannot hear the ring or feel the vibration of your phone. Flash App: Flash and Flash Tips will clearly inform you.

Software features

Early flash settings for phone mode: Normal, Silent, Vibrate.

You can set the number of times the warning light flashes for notifications, message alerts and call alerts.

Allow changing flashlight flash speed

Now in silent mode to activate the LED and turn off the bell.

Software Highlights

This app helps you avoid missing any calls and text messages

The best call and text messaging app.

Provide telephone alarm flashlight and flashlight

The light on the text message flashes

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